I go by Viri, I am a 30 year old female. I am not a big user of social media and never really been good at staying active on social media platforms. I love to craft because it  makes me feel good to give others a since of joy and put a smile in their face. In a way working/crafting is a source of therapy for me :). I try my best to keep my prices budget friendly and affordable for everyone.  I am not looking to get rich of my business just hopping to make enough to not have to worry about paying all necessities/bills.


I come from a Mexican family, raised in Fresno, CA. One of the main reasons I decided to start this business is because when I'm working on orders my mind stays busy and in a way it works as a therapy. I have overcome many traumas and unpleasant situations in my 30 years of life. I am a very open minded person but I am also an introvert. It is hard to get a business started being an introvert. Four years ago I found myself in bad health and had to quit my job due to health issues and that is where my passion for making custom/personalized items started. In the last 4 years besides loosing my health I have lost my only two brothers, crafting has been one of main things that has kept me sane through my healing/grieving process, specially since I have suffered from depression since I was 9years old, so please believe me when I say I greatly appreciate every order placed and I am very Thankful for every single person that supports me.